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HomeEventsRoads End RIde/ 12-14 Pace / 1040' / 46 mi / RL Dane Stanford / 8AM

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Roads End RIde/ 12-14 Pace / 1040' / 46 mi / RL Dane Stanford / 8AM


46.4  miles






1,040 feet

Ride Type:



Cancellation Guidelines:

nothing - we're rolling!



We'll make our way down 28th street to the BBC trail and ride it to the end.
From there, we'll pedal our way down into Fruit Valley and ride Lower River Road to "Roads End."

On the way back, we'll ride through DT Vancouver, up over the Land Bridge, up past the Fort, pass Clark College, and make our way back to the BBC trail from St. Johns.

This route does have a few short moderate to significant hills with a total elevation gain of 1040'  for the total ride.
 We'll regroup at the tops of hills.

***Saturday is going to be a warm one. Please make sure you bring plenty of water and Gatorade to stay hydrated***

You'll have two pace groups to pick from on this ride. Ride with Dane at a 12-14 pace, or ride with Becky at a 15-17 pace.

We're starting from Burnt Bridge Creek Elementary this time.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.  Contact me if you have any difficulty.  Our registration collects your waiver signature AND emergency contact information.  Important!

Please arrive 15 minutes early to be part of the announcements and safety briefing. 
  • Bring a bike in good working order (pump up those tires), wear your helmet (REQUIRED), and tuck in some water and a tube that fits your wheel.
    The published pace is 12-13mph (social pace). This is the maximum speed of the ride; a rider should be able to sustain this speed on flat terrain with no wind.
    This is a group ride meaning that riders stay together at the published pace for the entire ride; we will regroup at tops of hills if needed.
    Lights are great to have on your bike. Bells are great for notifying pedestrians or cyclists that you're passing, but "On your left!" works just as well.
  • Don't forget your water and snacks.
Route Map   


Please arrive 15 minutes early to be a part of the announcements and safety briefing. Riders are expected to have read the Safe Riding Policy and be familiar with the Ride Style Definitions. Please direct questions to the ride leader or Road Captain. Helmets are required. Lights (front and rear), RoadIDs and cell phones are recommended.

Remember - we want to be awesome representatives for cycling and spread a love for our great sport locally by obeying all traffic laws and riding in a safe and courteous manner. Ride safely and have fun!

Saturday, July 20, 2024, 8:00 AM
Burnt Bridge Creek Elementary
14619-A NE 49th St.
Vancouver, WA  98682

Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Dane C Stanford
5039706573 (p)
14 mph ride suitable for Rd Cycling 201
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
Online registration is required, so please register.
No Fee
No Fee