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Buddies List

What do we want?
Jan Verrinder

Good morning, Buddies! 


Vancouver would love to hear our thoughts regarding McLoughlin.  The stretch from Reserve (at Clark College) to the signal at Grand is the hill with the “new” buffered bike lanes and speed bumps.  


The segment past Grand to Brandt did not get bike lanes.  It got crosswalks, speed bumps and Sharrows because the residents there want to park on the street – hmmmm... sounds familiar. 


All bike lanes on McLoughlin (Reserve to Grand) could be retained --or removed.  This is a pilot project.  The city is asking what we want:  keep, remove, or further improve.


When I first started learning about transportation planning, I thought things were generally OK because I was experienced, fairly fearless regarding traffic, and frankly not hopeful that a car-centric culture would ever value bicycles as anything beyond toys and certainly never as viable transportation.  I learned that my sights were too low; the idea in safe infrastructure today isn’t just about what the experienced rider can tolerate.  It’s about making transportation modes safe for all ages and abilities:  families, commuters, club riders, kids.  


Check out the survey and share your thoughts BEFORE December 31st. 



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