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HomeEventsHood River to The Dalles/ 12+ mph Pace /2600 ft / 42 mi / RL Steve Trinkles/ 9:30 am

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Hood River to The Dalles/ 12+ mph Pace /2600 ft / 42 mi / RL Steve Trinkles/ 9:30 am

About this event

  1. Length: 42 miles
    Pace: 12-14 mph
    Terrain: Moderate
    Elevation: 2600 feet
    Ride Type:Group
    Cancelation Guidelines: Rain/Snow / Ice / Thunderstorms / Wind > 25 mph


Carpool from McLaughlin Middle School parking lot at 8 am to carpool  or meet at Trailhead at 9:30  am.   Please try to coordinate rides.  Plan to meet at the trailhead at 9:30 AM.  
Take the last exit out of Hood River ,  #64, go right and go about a mile to Old Columbia Hwy,  then left and it deadends at parking lot for Senator Mark O Hatfield WEST Trailhead.  There is a parking fee for the lot, maybe 5 dollars.  This is about a 65 mile drive from Vancouver.  

We ride East through the Mosier tunnels to Mosier, (5 miles), to on into Rowena Lookout on the Historic Columbia River Hwy, (6 miles), to Cousins Country Inn, (10 miles), lunch at the restaurant at the West End of the Dalles. Share a huge cinnamon roll!   Bring money!  

Beautiful views!  Hikers, bikers and rollerbladers are the only users in the Mosier tunnels and then a very rural 2 lane highway to the Dalles.  
A headlamp is recommended for the tunnels but they have some light coming in the sides so it's not pitch black.  If you have never ridden the tunnels or the Historic Columbia River Hwy, this ride is for you!  And you get to experience the pig and cow and John Deere tractor at Cousins restaurant.  
Questions?  Contact Ride Leader, Steve Trinkle 360-334-1243


Registration is required and almost always free to both members and non-members. Please scroll to the bottom of this page to register for this event.


  • Please arrive 15 minutes early to be a part of the announcements and safety briefing.
  • Riders are expected to have read the Safe Riding Policy and be familiar with the Ride Style Definitions.
  • Please direct questions to the ride leader or Road Captain.
  • Helmets are required. Lights (front and rear), RoadIDs and cell phones are recommended.
  • Remember - we want to be awesome representatives for cycling and spread a love for our great sport locally by obeying all traffic laws and riding in a safe and courteous manner. Ride safely and have fun!


Date and Time

Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 9:30 AM


Meet at the Mark o Hatfield West Trailhead at 9:30 am
Old Columbia River Dr.
Hood River, OR, OR  97040

Event Contact(s)

Steve R Trinkle
360-334-1243 (p)
360-334-1243 (c)


14 mph ride suitable for Rd Cycling 201

Registration Info

Registration is required
Online registration is required, so please register.