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HomeEventsTwo Wheel Tuesday / 13-14 Pace / 358' / 22 mi / RL Becky S / 5:00 PM

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Two Wheel Tuesday / 13-14 Pace / 358' / 22 mi / RL Becky S / 5:00 PM

About this event

Length: 21.7 miles

Pace: 13-14 mph
Terrain: Moderate
Elevation: 358 feet
Ride Type: Group 

*Faster and slower riders are welcome to join, but please know the route*


Pace 13-14 mph on the flats, slower on the hills.
Starting at Gossip in the Grain, on the East Side of Vancouver, we'll make our way out to Hockinson, and then enjoy the descent down Caples before climbing back up the other side for a quick pit stop at the convenience store in BG.
From there, we'll ride the 503 bike path down and then back up and into Hockinson before making our way back to Gossip in the Grain via China Ditch.

A quick and easy 22 mile ride to leave all your stress behind.  

Enjoy a beer or cider with your buddies at Gossip in the Grain After. 


Route Map


  • Please arrive 15 minutes early to be a part of the announcements and safety briefing.
  • Riders are expected to have read the Safe Riding Policy and be familiar with the Ride Style Definitions.
  • Please direct questions to the ride leader or Road Captain.
  • Helmets are required. Lights (front and rear), RoadIDs and cell phones are recommended.
  • Remember - we want to be awesome representatives for cycling and spread a love for our great sport locally by obeying all traffic laws and riding in a safe and courteous manner. Ride safely and have fun!


Date and Time

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 5:00 PM


Gossip in the Grain
6700 NE 162nd Ave #407
Vancouver, WA  98682

Event Contact(s)

Becky Stanford
5039978805 (p)


Club Ride

Registration Info

Registration is required
Online registration is required, so please register.
Registration cancellations will be accepted

Number of People Who Will Attend

Any Non-Member *
(No Fee)
* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.
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