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HomeEventsWhat your mother never told you- RL Jan /noon (Vancouver)

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What your mother never told you- RL Jan /noon (Vancouver)

About this event


25 miles





Ride Type:


Group      ROUTE LINK

Cancellation Guidelines:   nothing - we're rolling! 
Elevation: 772 feet



How did you learn to drive a car?  I’ll bet there are stories!  Mom took me out on Sundays. 


Today we’re learning what mom never taught me:  how to BIKE to downtown PDX.  We’re riding on Sunday when there’s less traffic and it’s easier to try something new.


We’ll ride some of the safest ways to get north, south, east and west.


We’ll learn some of the ways they use to keep vehicles separated from bikes. 


We’ll ride some Central City in Motion projects from PBoT’s planners and engineers that made getting where you want to go on two wheels fun and safe.



Bring a bike in good working order (pump those tires), wear your helmet (REQUIRED),
and tuck in some water, and a tube that fits your wheel.  Have questions? 
Bring those, too!



Please arrive 15 minutes early to be a part of the announcements and safety briefing.
Riders are expected to have read the
Safe Riding Policy and be familiar with
Ride Style Definitions. Please direct questions to the ride leader or Road Captain.
Helmets are required.
Lights (front and rear), RoadIDs and cell phones are recommended.

Remember - we want to be awesome representatives for cycling and spread a love
for our great sport locally by obeying all traffic laws and riding in a safe and courteous manner. 
Ride safely and have fun!

Date and Time

Sunday, October 8, 2023, 12:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Canada) (UTC-08:00)


Bike Clark County (Main Street Shop) back lot
1604 Main Street
Vancouver, WA  98660

Event Contact(s)

Jan Verrinder
3606073271 (p)


Club Ride

Registration Info

Registration is required
Online registration is required, so please register.