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HomeEventsAnnual Picnic - food, games, and give aways

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Annual Picnic - food, games, and give aways

About this event

The annual picnic offers free food, fun games, and great give away prizes. There are several rides posted for before the picnic.  Or if you don't want to ride, just show up.

Please remember there is a $3 parking fee at Frenchman's Bar.  But you can ride your bike in for free!

Registration is required so we can plan for food and drink.  Please register before Sept. 8th.

Come join your fellow VBCers for a great time.

Date and Time

Saturday, September 16, 2023, 11:30 AM until 2:30 PM


East Shelter (past the restrooms) at Frenchman's Bar Park
9612 NW Lower River Rd
Vancouver, WA  98660

Event Contact(s)

Hunter Rogers


Club Gathering

Registration Info

Registration is recommended