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The City wants to hear from us: 29th and 33rd St i...
Jan Verrinder
We can support city planners' safety efforts by sending our feedback.  Here's the project:

City planners are working on 29th and 33rd Street safety and mobility project options for people walking, rolling and accessing transit. 
The City wants to improve the bike lanes on 33rd Street, and is analyzing the effectiveness of current traffic calming features on the street including the planter medians.  

29th Street between Kauffman Avenue and Neals Lane has been designated as a neighborhood greenway designed to quiet streets with low traffic volumes. Typical treatments generally include wayfinding signage and traffic calming, such as speed humps, to help slow traffic speeds and improve comfort and safety.
We can learn more about the project's scope and provide feedback using the interactive map and comment box on the BeHeard page:

We know what we need, so let's be heard!
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